Thursday, March 31, 2011

Imagine if you only knew how Powerful you Really are!!

Well, on more than one occasion I have found myself realizing something in life that I had previously written down.  That means, for example, I wrote a list of exactly what I wanted in a mate.  And then he showed up.  And I wrote down exactly what I wanted in a career and it showed up.

Now, when it happened and I looked back I saw that it was no accident.  And that I can teach this method to others.

If you are curious, try this out for starters.

Take everything OUT of your life that you DO NOT LIKE.  And if you have to do something that you previously thought you didn't like, then transform it into something FUN.

So the game this week is to go on a INformation Diet.  NO NEWS!! No talking negatively to YOURSELF.

None of that, "Oh, what a stupid mistake I just made." or "How could I make the same mistake twice." or "This will never work, I don't have what it takes." Nonsense.

Now nature abhors a vacuum.  So you will have to replace anything that you don't like with something that you DO like. And I don't want to hear that you all ate chocolate all day because you couldn't think of anything else to do.

Do the exercise and let me know how it goes.  And if you would like to hire me to be your "Accountability to Power" Coach then check out my other blog at

Good luck and Expect the Best

Dar Archibald
Health Begins with Peace Of Mind

March 2011