Friday, February 21, 2020

Uti and Bumps are finally exposing themselves.  Come and get in on the conversation.

Limited books available.  If you’ve been directed here we may be sold out.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Flowing Tears or put on a smile on your face.

January 10, 2018

How many tears can one person cry.  It seems like a workout whether I keep them in or let them out.  
I know there’s an end to it.  Just wondering when it’s coming. Or if it just fakes me out before it starts up again. 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Imagine if you only knew how Powerful you Really are!!

Well, on more than one occasion I have found myself realizing something in life that I had previously written down.  That means, for example, I wrote a list of exactly what I wanted in a mate.  And then he showed up.  And I wrote down exactly what I wanted in a career and it showed up.

Now, when it happened and I looked back I saw that it was no accident.  And that I can teach this method to others.

If you are curious, try this out for starters.

Take everything OUT of your life that you DO NOT LIKE.  And if you have to do something that you previously thought you didn't like, then transform it into something FUN.

So the game this week is to go on a INformation Diet.  NO NEWS!! No talking negatively to YOURSELF.

None of that, "Oh, what a stupid mistake I just made." or "How could I make the same mistake twice." or "This will never work, I don't have what it takes." Nonsense.

Now nature abhors a vacuum.  So you will have to replace anything that you don't like with something that you DO like. And I don't want to hear that you all ate chocolate all day because you couldn't think of anything else to do.

Do the exercise and let me know how it goes.  And if you would like to hire me to be your "Accountability to Power" Coach then check out my other blog at

Good luck and Expect the Best

Dar Archibald
Health Begins with Peace Of Mind

March 2011

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Inventing with a Magic Wand

Well . . . what if . . . you could actually do it.  Invent things with a Magic Wand.  You could just wave your hand and walla presto there is was.  Well we got to do that tonight.

I invented who I am is NAKED.  I never know if what I invent communicates to anyone else.  But to me naked is just that.  No pretenses.  Totally natural.  No defenses.  Oh I could go on and on about the virtues of being NAKED.  It doesn't have to be a physical reality.  Although swimming naked in the daylight in the Ocean of the Caribbean was something I will never forget.   A 5 out of 5.

I am in the inquiry of what do I REALLY want my life to be for.  I can raise Foster Kids.  And love it.  And can I make more of a difference than that?  I am thinking maybe teaching cooking skills to new mothers.  I am frequently amazed at how many young women can not cook.  They can open packages and follow directions but cooking as a real act of inventing/creating is not a common thing anymore.

I don't know how I will use my talents.  All I know is that I have this horrible habit of getting side tracked and then nothing happens.  So I must focus on something.

Drains and then fencing.  Then grass and landscaping.  Then playground equipment. Picnic tables and trellises.  A raised bed for 3 blueberry bushes.  One gooseberry and three raspberry bushes.  Yumm.  Next year is going to be a lot of yummy fun.

I promise that I will stay focused.

Stay tuned for the next update in the life of Dar.
August 17th 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

First Blog Post

I have a blog.
But it doesn't have these tags so that you can follow it.  Although I do believe it is also on my LinkedIn Feed.  So many people get to see it.

The first thing I will say is that Essentia is Latin for To Be
So my blog is about To Be Living or Alive
Life is full of so many things.  This year it seems to be about people passing.  And people being born.  I guess this always happens.  And I don't know why I am particularly aware of it.  But I do notice that not all people notice the same things that I do.  And I don't know why that is either.

I like to be involved in births.  I have attended 3.  I also have had a little experience with being with people around the time that they are leaving the planet.  The conversations are very different.  There is no longer the conversations about "getting better", "going home" or "getting back to your regular life".  It is the end of the line.  I am particularly aware of couples and one of them passing before the other.  One never can tell who it will be.  I have tried.

The man up the road looked after his wife while her eyesight was going.  They always walked around the neighbourhood at 3:30 every day. They were known by everyone.  He gave my kids a strangely folded up 5 dollar bill to take to Disneyland. They never had any kids of their own.  And they loved each other very much.  As the years passed and her health was failing he was very good at looking after her.   So when the ambulance was at their house, we all stood outside for an hour or more to find out who it was.  Now we wouldn't think that we would have an hour or so to just wait around in our busy lives.  But it is amazing how time stands still when people are leaving or arriving on the planet.

We were very surprised to see that it was Ron, her husband that passed away.  She managed for a little while and then I think he came back to call her to come with him.  It seemed to those here that she may have lost her mind.  But who knows.  She went into a home and soon followed him.  They should be together.  They were for so many years it just seems right.

I guess I am at the age when most of my friends parents are either dead or quite old.  And this phenomenon happens all the time.  A guess and by golly I suppose.  I am not looking forward to finding out who of my parents passes first.  Nor to see how long it takes for the next one to follow.

Life is an interesting thing.  I think of my life as a great book, one that I can't wait to turn the page.  But sometimes turning the page just seems like something I don't want to do alone.  Thank goodness for great friends.

August 2010